"Open The Border!"
From the summer of 2015 until May 2016, the isolated Greek farming village of Idomeni became host to a temporary refugee camp was home to 15 000 people. The closed Greek/FYROM borders, poor living conditions and constant uncertainty lead to frequent clashes between migrants and the authorities. These images were taken during March and April 2016.

A man stands with rocks in his hands, pausing in front of a could of tear gas during clashes with FYROM border guards in Idomeni, April 2016.

A baby holds up a sign "We are going to Germany!" in her father's arms, during a peaceful protest in the migrant settlement in Idomeni, March 2016.

A boy rests on the ground while Greek riot police approach. In mid-April 2016 a series of violent clashes broke out in Idomeni, when refugees tried to break through the border and threw rocks over the fence at Macedonian guards. The Greek authorities responded by forming lines and trying to push people back from the border.

Two boys playing/ protesting by the railway crossing point of the Greek-FYROM border, while Macedonian guards look on across the fence, March 2016.

Smoke rises from the barrel of a gun, as a border guard from FYROM fires rubber bullets across the border at refugees gathered on the Greek side in Idomeni, April 2016.

A Greek riot police unit approaches the Greek-FYROM border in Idomeni during clashes in April 2016. There was very heavy military and police presence in attempted push backs to keep the border fences intact.

A man runs toward the Greek-FYROM border with a tear gas canister in his hand, ready to throw it back over the fence at the FYROM border guards. A heavy-handed response from the FYROM authorities saw rock throwing being met with tear gas, rubber bullets and pepper spray during clashes in April 2016.

A young refugee woman holds up her hand forming the peace sign during protests in the town of Polykastro, Greece in March 2016.

A man peers over a sheet used to make a banner during a peaceful protest in Idomeni, March 2016.

A boy looks over the shoulder of Greek riot police during a large protest in the border camp of Idomeni, March 2016. Tensions had been mounting for several days and ultimately a large, but peaceful, protest was held with several hundred people in attendance.

A man shouts at a police line during a protest in the camp of Idomeni, Greece in March 2016. Throughout March and April regular protests became more frequent as people became more frustrated.

A woman silently sobs at a roadblock protest near the town of Polykastro, where Greek riot police had been trying to non-violently push people back to resume normal traffic in March 2016.